
– The master for our new recordings is back from California. Heads to Quebec for pressing soon.
– The master is of nine songs we recorded this past summer and fall.
– The songs are about being bad with money, feeling bad, feeling like a fish, a young woman in trouble (at Christmas!), being in a rock band, dealing interrogatively with ambivalent feelings for a person since they were buried at sea (answers not supplied), being surly for poor reasons, women of indeterminate ages waiting for written correspondence to arrive via the weather (I know, right?), living with the long-term consequences of being a jerk.
– One ninth of the songs are reggae.
– Yes, exactly. Bwa ha ha ha…
Reader Comments (2)
I wish I was a magician so I could make you fit and healthy with the wave of a wand!
An investigation distributed in The American Journal of Medicine in 2010 inspected a large number of grown-ups and their youngsters. The scientists found that those with higher uric corrosive levels will probably get sort 2 diabetes.